Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Welcome! RC Truck Racing: The Experience

                       Hey everyone, first off I just want to welcome you to my brand new blog!  The plan for this blog is just to hopefully show the transformation of a "basher" or RC addict that does not compete, into hopefully, a competitive racer.  I have a lot I need to learn and will be covering much of it as I go through the fun adventure. 

                     Now, why would someone without any race ready vehicles want to jump into racing?  Well its best to figure out why we are here, first.  To start with, I was in school for Mechanical Engineering.  I called it my "grown up dream" but I wanted to be a Formula 1 Engineer.  I just wanted to make things go fast, and learning how to do that was my goal.  Unfortunately time had a different idea for me.  See, when I was in High School I had joined the Army National Guard.  Normally this is not a problem, but when you mix that I didn't know I had a higher susceptibility to mental illness, going to war, can cause quite a few problems.  It turns out I have "Severe and Chronic Anxiety" and now that is "exacerbated by PTSD".  Now what does that mean for my ability to do math or sciences? very little, actually.  The problem was not that I could no longer do my work, it was that I had trouble sitting through entire classes, and eventually I struggled attending class as it were.  I was able to maintain my job quite well, for some time till my physical health went along too.  Over time my wife and family watched me shrink into a smaller and smaller world, not willing to even leave my apartment on many occasions.   Close to 2 years ago, I had expressed my interest in purchasing an "affordable" (read used craigslist item) RC truck.  My wife and I did a look around to find something we could afford and I got this old, beat up Jato 3.3.  Well guess it wasn't that old, seeing as its a 3.3, but more on that in later posts I am sure.  Well this Jato gave my mind so much to absorb.  I had books to read on how to set it up.  I had to figure out how to tune it.  Suddenly my mind was moving in a positive manner again.  Problem was the Jato had just too many issues to get it fixed up on my budget.  That's ok!  I did what I could.  Luckily, after some time, my mom had access to some funds, and wanted to help me out, so she asked me what truck I wanted.  Still being newer yet to RC I was not familiar with too many trucks or chassis that were out there.  All I knew was the Revo had formula style suspension, and the Slayer (Revo Chassis) looked like a race truck......Boom, got a slayer.  Now that took some time and tuning because they have a very high center of gravity, which not only occupied my mind, but it got me out of my house.  Unfortunately not far, but that would come after about a year.  That brings us almost up to today.  Not long ago, probably a little over a month I started looking into tracks, and racing. Why? Well we came across this track in our town that runs completely off of donation.  Now if you remember, I had at one point, years ago, wanted to assist in the designing of the most elite race vehicles in the world.  Finding a track to race a vehicle on, may be leaps and bounds away from this, but it still...well it just well makes me happy.  Ever since finding that track me and my family have been able to get out of our house more and get more sunshine.  I find myself looking forward to the next day, not anxious about what it may bring.  The hope is that this can help me find my focus again.  So we have decided (my family and I) to try to slowly work our way into racing and then things more competitive. 

The hope is to best be able to show the full experience, starting with casual track practices/races with current vehicles to improve skill on tracks, to picking out the right race vehicles, to setting them up, learning to best drive in the "crowd", and beyond.  There may also be side notes on separate vehicles as well, just because.

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